Jesper Dramsch , , read in 2 minutes

As is tradition with every new blog, one writes the first post to announce it to the world. So to say it's a

.. code-block:: python

print("hello world")

After finishing my Ph.D. and taking some time to sort things out, I feel the need to start this project and document some of my learnings and share some of my insights. Having a blog in my years of working in geoscience has been invaluable, so I think it is appropriate to continue this journey here on data science, Python, and machine learning.

I am now 25 issues into writing a newsletter about interesting things in Python and machine learning. The feedback and engagement I get from writing this little weekly snippet of the internet have been amazing. I was genuinely missing the curiosity and wonder that come from this kind of creativity. Writing the newsletter has rekindled this flame, and I hope this blog will be another outlet to fan this flame.

If you're interested, you can find my newsletter Late to the Party here or in the sidebar.

The format on this blog will be a bit less rigid. In case you're interested, you can subscribe to the RSS-feed to this blog and follow along. I'll be posting new articles on Twitter as well.

I plan to talk about machine learning. I just rediscovered my lightning talk from Euroscipy 2018, where I already talked about the importance of cross-validation. I've recently started sharing some Python tips on social media, which was very enjoyable too. Obviously, this will be tied together by data science and the occasional statistical insight. I do tend to think a lot about systems, society, and social structures. These will show up here and there, maybe in some thoughts on hiring and job search. I did not start out as a data scientist/machine learning engineer but come from a geoscience background. The opportunities I had to speak to students and alumni about my career transition have all been fantastic.

Let's see what this will become! Let me know what you think either way.