Hey Siri, how do I learn Natural Language Processing?

🗣 I found three books for your question.

Natural Language Processing with Transformers

by Lewis Tunstall

In 2017 we saw the world change with the transformer paper.

Then Hugging Face made them accessible.

Why not learn from the creators how to use pre-trained NLP?!

(Get the one in color)

Cover of NLP with Transformers

Pick up NLP with Transformers

Natural Language Processing With PyTorch

by Delip Rao

This book starts with the fundamentals in Pytorch, to get everyone caught up.

Then we learn about basic NLP concepts like embeddings using classic tools like NLTK and @spacy.

Read NLP with Pytorch here

Speech and Language Processing

by Daniel Jurafsky

Want to get serious?

This is one of the academic classics.

• From Regex to N-Grams • From speech synthesis to machine translation

This is where you learn the theory for computer linguistics.

Get the classic Speech and Language Processing


Natural Language Processing is a lot of fun:

  • Natural Language Processing with Transformers
  • Natural Language Processing With PyTorch
  • Speech and Language Processing

Learn the fundamentals with these books