This article is not for programmers.

This article is for scientists who sometimes write code.

(and are interested in a £3,000 fellowship)

Just us now?


This could be better!

When you write code in your institute, have you sometimes also thought: "this could be better?!"

  • No bug fixes
  • No easy installs
  • Why aren't we using GitHub?!
  • Postdocs leaving and their code stop existing

I know there are a lot of us.

I promised 3 grand, so here it is.

The Software Sustainability Institute fellowship is about funding for folks who want to improve how research software is used in their domains, fields, and areas of work.

If you're not sure if you should apply, read below first 👇

A tale of imposter syndrome

I applied to the SSI fellowship because impressive people are fellows.

Specifically, I met Tania Allard and Leo Uieda, who are 2018 and 2020 fellows.

I tend to emulate what impressive people do in an attempt to get to do awesome stuff.

Imposter Syndrome?


Now I know how diverse the cohorts are.

There are

  • Biologists
  • Podcasters
  • Neuroscientists
  • Machine Learning nerds
  • Citizen-science Enthusiasts

and also folks whose brain works a bit differently.

So if you wondered, "would I fit in?" I think you would.

The Software Sustainability Institute's fellowship isn't just for programmers.

It's for anyone who wants to improve software practice in their smaller or bigger research community.

Check out the fellowship programme.

More information!

I wrote an article about fitting in on their blog.

I also included some tips for your application, especially the video and the selection day.

Maybe this helps someone.

Also, this isn't "UK only" anymore!

There are a few spots in the international pilot they are testing.

Here's some info for international applicants

For the community

The fellows community is really awesome.

It's lovely to interact with like-minded, kind, and intelligent people.

And quite frankly, those £3,000 can really change things.

If you've hesitated to apply, give it a shot!

Have you wondered if you'd fit in?

Did these resources help?

Please share this with colleagues and mates for others to find this awesome opportunity! (There are convenient links to the right 👉)